Thursday, February 4, 2010

Will Studen Loan Reform Start the Complete Corrpution of Congress

Everyone thought that student loan reform was a legislative gimme. Billions of dollars are given to banks to make risk free loans to students.  This program could easily be assumed by the Federal government, and the amount lent would increase and students would get more money, and the world would be a better place.  Obama mentioned it in his State of the Union Address, and it just makes sense.

HOWEVER, the banks are squealing.  They want their free money. And what are they doing? Lobbying.  Hard. While they are going through all of the "traditional" lobbying motions, one thing that the recent Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission  decision and sitting down with our Representatives and Senators and saying, "We want this bill killed, and we are prepared to help your re-election effort significantly if you are willing to play ball with us.  However, we are just as willing to help your opponent if you feel the need to pass this bill.  Think about it." Do they even need to be that explicit??

Is this "Free Speech"? I don't think so.  If you agree, write Congress and/or your Senator and urge them to do something to close this hole that the Supreme Court wrought!

In the meantime I'll keep an eye on this legislation and see how it moves along.

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